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Hair Mask


Transforming My Post-Partum Hair With Philip Kingsley

September 19, 2021
Philip Kingsley Haircare

Finding My Hair Happiness

After my baby was born, I cut my hair short to make things more manageable but little did I know at 3 months post-partum, it would start falling out rapidly. I was feeling so down about the state of my hair. Philip Kingsley really become my white knight in shining armour. I’ve been using these products for over a month and the difference in the texture and appearance of my hair has been staggering. Philip Kingsley has really helped with my self-esteem, it goes beyond haircare for me. I am so excited to share more about the products I’ve been using in this post.

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Function of Beauty

November 3, 2019
Function of Beauty Custom Hair Care

Completely custom hair care

I have never really found a hair care routine that was absolutely perfect for my hair in every way. Now I realise that’s because what I have been wishing for all along, is a completely custom product that meets my unique hair needs. Enter Function of Beauty.

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