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Plastic free


Counter Culture Just One Switch

October 31, 2021
Counter Culture Wild Rising Body Oil

Making eco-friendly beauty swaps

Counter Culture is an online sustainable and ethical beauty marketplace. This month they launched the #JustOneSwitch campaign. With the goal being that if everyone makes just one ethical/sustainable swap in their beauty routine we can collectively have a massive impact and help our planet. I am delighted to share what changes I have made and how I hope to continue to incorporate more swaps into my routine.

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Nuddy Soaps

March 15, 2020
Nuddy soaps and tin

Making Soap cool again

I instantly feel in love with Nuddy soaps, and it’s safe to say they came into my life at just the right time. Shower gel definitely stole the spotlight in the last decade or so, but soap bars are making a big come back. Nuddy soaps are plastic free and made from super rich shea butter. Let’s lather up!

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