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Empties Edition 2

December 10, 2017
Makeup, Skincare and Haircare Empty Products

Beauty Products I’ve used up

My empties basket had gotten so full, I was able to select a few products for a new edition of empties. This time round I wanted to share with you my thoughts on some of the recent beauty products I’ve used up. A few were Holy Grail products for me, and some I haven’t completely made my mind up about and want to try again.

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Lush Halloween Haul 2017

October 21, 2017
Lush Lord of Misrule Shower Cream & Bath Bomb. Bewitched Bubble Bar.

My Picks from the Lush Halloween 2017 Collection

This year Lush came out with some truly irresistible looking products in the run up to Halloween. These included, the very beautiful sparkly pumpkin bubble bar, the super adorable Monsters’ ball and the infamous Lord of Misrule made its return. It was just too good to pass up on. Without further ado here is my Lush Halloween Haul 2017. Continue Reading


Worth the hype – Lush Sleepy

September 9, 2017

Is Lush Sleepy Body Lotion what’s missing from a good night’s rest?

I’ve always been a terrible sleeper, anyone who can nod off in under an hour, I consider to have a super power. So when I saw the Sleepy Body Lotion from Lush circling the news channels that claimed to be a powerful sleeping aid, I had to put it to the test for myself.
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